Month: September 2020

Hopkins researchers develop a robotic system to remotely control ventilators The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a surge of patients requiring mechanical ventilation in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) rooms. Consequently, the units now require increased staffing of trained respiratory therapists in addition to more ventilators. Every small change on a ventilator requires staff to enter a patient room, which risks potential exposure, and to…
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Autonomous Robots Are Coming to the Operating Room Scalpel-wielding droids are a long way off, but scientists are at work on devices that perform surgical tasks with minimal human oversight

Mobile COVID-19 Testing Booths Help Health Care Providers Test Patients Without Risking Own Health

Jiawei Ge and Lydia Zoghbi are working on building testing booths for medical providers.

MRE Lab Moving to JHU

Medical Robotics and Equipment Lab is moving to Johns Hopkins University this summer, 2020. The new name of the lab is IMERSE which stands for Intelligent Medical Robotic Systems and Equipment Lab.